Synchronized Swimmers, Laguna Hills, California
Photograph by Karen Kasmauski
Submerged ballerinas rehearse for their annual show at Leisure World in Laguna Hills, California. Activities like line dancing, lawn bowling, and computer classes make retirement communities increasingly popular among people with decades of free time to fill.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, “Aging—New Answers to Old Questions,” November 1997, National Geographic magazine)
Lion in Tree, Zambezi River, Zambia
Photograph by Chris Johns
A female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia. Female lions are the primary hunters in each family group, or pride. They often work together to prey upon antelopes, zebras, wildebeests, and other large animals of the open grasslands. Many of these animals are faster than lions, so teamwork pays off.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, “Down the Zambezi,” October 1997, National Geographic magazine)