7 月 29 2009

Wild Stallions, Wyoming

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Wild Stallions, Wyoming

Photograph by Chris Gimmeson

This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest

These are two wild stallions from the herds in McCullough Peak, which is located just outside of Cody, Wyoming. This image was taken in September 2008 with a Canon Rebel XSI and a long telephoto lens. I expected them to fight but they went back to grazing after a minute of posturing. The Peaks area is pretty desolate with little in the way of water supply and a lack of trees. The main staple for their grazing is sagebrush.

See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.




摄影:Chris Gimmeson


这两匹野马来自怀俄明州Cody市郊的麦卡洛夫峰。这张照片是2008年9月用一台佳能Rebel XSI相机和一个长焦镜头拍摄的。我以为它们会有一场恶斗,但在装模作样了一分钟之后,它们便离开去吃草了。山顶区域非常荒凉,缺乏水和树木。它们的主要食物是蒿属植物。


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7 月 28 2009

Puffin, Skomer Island

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Puffin, Skomer Island

Photograph by Nathaniel Gonzales

This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest

This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest. Taken in Skomer Island in Wales. Skomer is a marine nature reserve and is home to puffins at the start of spring till late summer.

See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.



摄影:Nathaniel Gonzales




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7 月 28 2009


Published by under 如影随形

  • 定义错误。片中把白矮星(white dwarf)说成了棕矮星(brown dwarf)。根据剧中Kittner博士的描述"after star burns out packs itself the very very compressed matter",形成的应该是白矮星。棕矮星是因质量不足未能引发氢核聚变成为恒星的类恒星天体,和白矮星差了十万八千里。这是本剧最大的硬伤。
  • 无中生有的失重。片中说白矮星碎片质量约为地球质量的两倍,设月球质量为地球质量的1/81,月球半径为地球半径的1/4,根据万有引力公式可得,当地月距离约为1.2倍地球半径时,地面上的物体才会出现失重现象,而此时月球早已进入了地球大气层。
  • 坚强的地月系统。在如此近的距离上有一个质量为自己两倍的天体,地球的公转轨道居然没受任何影响,还在努力把变重后的月球朝自己这边拉。理论上此时地月已经构成了一个双行星系统,早就应该开始手拉手跳圆圈舞了。
  • 钢筋铁骨的宇航员。变重后的月球表面重力加速度已达32g,这还是在假设白矮星碎片的质量均匀分布到月球各处的前提下,实际上宇航员在撞击裂缝附近作业,所承受的重力加速度要大得多,而人类能承受的极限约为10g。片中的宇航员不但上了月球,还开着飞船成功回来了,要知道此时月球的逃逸速度约为地球的4倍!
  • 四两拨千斤。片末,白矮星碎片被磁化后的月球弹射出去。这块碎片质量超过了月球质量的160倍,飞走的是月球还差不多。
  • 穿帮镜头一个。Kittner博士掏出手机要给家人打电话,屏幕正中赫然显示"No Service",但左上角的信号标志却是满格。有图有真相。


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7 月 27 2009

Bottlenose Dolphins in Surf

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Bottlenose Dolphins in Surf

Photograph by Andrew Wong

This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest

Dolphins are known to jump out the back of big waves as they break against the shores. This pod of bottlenose dolphins was leisurely surfing in the waves as the offshore wind blew against the incoming waves, creating an atmosphere that was most unique and magical. At a place called Waterfall Bluff in the Transkei, South Africa.

See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.




摄影:Andrew Wong




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7 月 26 2009

Vendors Near Potala Palace

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Vendors Near Potala Palace

Photograph by Chu Cancan

This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest

This photo focused on vendors outside the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. Many people objected to building the Qinghai-Tibet railway as they thought the railway would change the characteristics of the holy city. The photographer believes the railway did not cause the changes to the city. This photo is part of a series taken during July 2006, before the railway went into operation, in an attempt to prove that opinion and to search for other possible causes of the changes in Lhasa.

See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.




摄影:Chu Cancan




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