Saturn, an elderly mother herself, cares for two calves orphaned by the deaths of their mothers, who were her adult daughters. The extended family structure helps groups cope with such losses. At sunset along a river channel Saturn oversees the play of her own two calves and the orphans. From her behavior alone, uniformly doting, you couldn’t know which was which.
Members of the gastropod class, finger-size nudibranchs live fully exposed, their gills forming tufts on their backs. (Nudibranch means "naked gill," a feature that separates them from other sea slugs.).
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, is often the place where romance starts. Especially when low clouds float around the red lights at the top of the bridge, the most beautiful and romantic scenes appear around dusk and bring inspiration to photographers. With the effects of long exposure, the clouds and ocean became soft and even. The grad ND made it possible to capture this night scene in one exposure with some simple steps of post processing.
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