Archive for 2007-12

12 月 31 2007

Wild Mustangs, South Dakota, 2004

Published by under Photo of the Day

20071231.Wild Mustangs, South Dakota, 2004

Wild Mustangs, South Dakota, 2004
Photograph by Maggie Steber

In the wind-tossed plains of Lantry, South Dakota, two wild mustangs playfully kick and cavort. Descended from Spanish horses brought in by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, mustangs represent a tenuous link to America’s frontier past. Researchers estimate the U.S. was once home to more than two million mustangs; today there are fewer than 50,000.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Indian Scenes From a Renaissance," September 2004, National Geographic magazine)



摄影:Maggie Steber




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12 月 30 2007

Fiji Islands, 2004

Published by under Photo of the Day

20071230.Fiji Islands, 2004

Fiji Islands, 2004
Photograph by Tim Laman

In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. The sea cucumber provides food for the crustaceans in the form of mucus on its skin and defends itself by ejecting its toxic stomach when danger threatens.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Fiji’s Rainbow Reefs," November 2004, National Geographic magazine)



摄影:Tim Laman



译注:从照片上看这条应该是蛇目白尼参(Bohadschia argus Jaeger),而非豹斑海参(Holothuria pardalis Selenka)


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12 月 29 2007

Molten Lava Flow, Hawaii, 2004

Published by under Photo of the Day

20071229.Molten Lava Flow, Hawaii, 2004

Molten Lava Flow, Hawaii, 2004
Photograph by Frans Lanting

A flow of glowing lava issues from Mount Kilauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Hawaii has some of the youngest land on Earth, remade daily by these rivers of molten rock.

"Kilauea molds the land, belching lava and fumes, hissing, roaring, always transforming," says photographer Frans Lanting. "The view I photographed that day doesn’t exist anymore."

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Red Hot Hawaii: Volcanoes National Park," October 2004, National Geographic magazine)



摄影:Frans Lanting


“启劳亚铸造了这里的陆地,时而喷出岩浆和浓烟,时而嘶嘶作响,时而咆哮怒吼,无时无刻不在变化之中。”摄影师Frans Lanting说,“那天我所拍到的景象已不复存在。”



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12 月 28 2007

Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas, 2007

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20071228.Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas, 2007

Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas, 2007
Photograph by Brian Skerry

Primordial in appearance, great hammerheads, like this one near the Bahamas, are actually among evolution’s most advanced sharks. Wide-set eyes and nostrils provide keen peripheral senses, and tiny electroreceptors on its snout help it pinpoint prey. Dozens of serrated teeth do the rest.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Blue Waters of the Bahamas: An Eden for Sharks," March 2007, National Geographic magazine)



摄影:Brian Skerry

如同在巴哈马附近看到的这条,这些看似原始的巨大锤头,其实是进化得最高级的鲨鱼之一。高度分离双眼和一对鼻孔使它具有 敏锐的外部感知能力,吻上微小的电感受器又能帮助它精确捕食。剩下的工作就可以交给它那数不清的锯状利齿了。



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12 月 27 2007

Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska, 2002

Published by under Photo of the Day

20071227.Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska, 2002

Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska, 2002
Photograph by Frans Lanting

A crumpled ice field forms at the confluence of two massive glaciers in Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. These glacial rivers snake together among the park’s mountains and form ice complexes that cover hundreds—sometimes thousands—of square miles.

(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Alaska’s Giant of Ice and Stone," March 2003, National Geographic magazine)



冰川,兰格尔-圣伊莱亚斯(Wrangell-St. Elias)国家公园,阿拉斯加,2002
摄影:Frans Lanting




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