12 月 28 2007
Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas, 2007
Hammerhead Shark, Bahamas, 2007
Photograph by Brian Skerry
Primordial in appearance, great hammerheads, like this one near the Bahamas, are actually among evolution’s most advanced sharks. Wide-set eyes and nostrils provide keen peripheral senses, and tiny electroreceptors on its snout help it pinpoint prey. Dozens of serrated teeth do the rest.
(Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Blue Waters of the Bahamas: An Eden for Sharks," March 2007, National Geographic magazine)
摄影:Brian Skerry
如同在巴哈马附近看到的这条,这些看似原始的巨大锤头,其实是进化得最高级的鲨鱼之一。高度分离双眼和一对鼻孔使它具有 敏锐的外部感知能力,吻上微小的电感受器又能帮助它精确捕食。剩下的工作就可以交给它那数不清的锯状利齿了。