This large tube anemone, photographed in Tulamben, Bali, stood high off the black-sand bottom, allowing me to shoot its spectacular tentacles from below and capture its graceful movement. The flashlight highlighted the anemone’s dazzling luminance, while the setting sun added a sense of atmosphere.
While at Huntington Beach in Bay Village, Ohio, I saw a storm approaching fast out of the north. I got lucky and was in the right place at the right time. Within a minute of this shot, the storm unleashed its fury on the beach. It was a great day.
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features
Whirling atop a café overlooking Naama Bay’s pedestrian boulevard in Egypt, a tambourine-shaking Sufi dancer seeks to approach the divine—and attract diners. Despite the threat of terrorist attacks, Sinai’s open arms and modern aspirations will persist, as long as the tourists keep coming.
See more photographs from the March 2009 feature story "The Sinai: A Separate Peace."