7 月 31 2009
Golden Gate Bridge at Night
Golden Gate Bridge at Night
Photograph by Wei Lee
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, is often the place where romance starts. Especially when low clouds float around the red lights at the top of the bridge, the most beautiful and romantic scenes appear around dusk and bring inspiration to photographers. With the effects of long exposure, the clouds and ocean became soft and even. The grad ND made it possible to capture this night scene in one exposure with some simple steps of post processing.
See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.
摄影:Wei Lee
旧金山金门大桥经常是浪漫爱情开始的地方。特别是傍晚前后,云彩低低地围绕在桥顶的红灯周围时,浮现出一幅最美妙最浪漫的场景,给摄影师们带来无限灵感。经过长时间的曝光,云层和海面变得柔和平滑。在Grad ND滤镜(渐变中性灰度镜)的帮助下,我仅用了一次曝光和简单的后期处理便拍摄出了这样的夜景。