7 月 29 2009
Wild Stallions, Wyoming
Wild Stallions, Wyoming
Photograph by Chris Gimmeson
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest
These are two wild stallions from the herds in McCullough Peak, which is located just outside of Cody, Wyoming. This image was taken in September 2008 with a Canon Rebel XSI and a long telephoto lens. I expected them to fight but they went back to grazing after a minute of posturing. The Peaks area is pretty desolate with little in the way of water supply and a lack of trees. The main staple for their grazing is sagebrush.
See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.
摄影:Chris Gimmeson
这两匹野马来自怀俄明州Cody市郊的麦卡洛夫峰。这张照片是2008年9月用一台佳能Rebel XSI相机和一个长焦镜头拍摄的。我以为它们会有一场恶斗,但在装模作样了一分钟之后,它们便离开去吃草了。山顶区域非常荒凉,缺乏水和树木。它们的主要食物是蒿属植物。