Archive for 2009-06-19

6 月 19 2009

Baltimore City Street

Published by under Photo of the Day

Baltimore City Street

Photograph by John Power

This Month in Photo of the Day: Travel and Culture Photos

Taken in 1995 in Baltimore from Amtrack Metroliner Train while moving. I comutted every week on Monday morning from Penn Station for a period of two months. It is a lesson in carrying a camera wherever you go.

This photo and caption were submitted to Your Shot.




摄影:John Power


这张照片是我1995年乘坐美国国家铁路客运公司地下快客经过巴尔的摩时在行驶中列车上拍摄的。 在那两个月里,我每周一早上从宾州车站上车。无论去哪里都随身带着相机会有很多收获。


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6 月 19 2009

State Fair Ride, Kansas

Published by under Photo of the Day

State Fair Ride, Kansas

Photograph by Joel Sartore

This Month in Photo of the Day: Travel and Culture Photos

A glowing top in a dizzying spin, the Remix II dazzles patrons wandering the Kansas State Fair midway after dark. Though state fairs sprang up as agricultural and educational venues, carnival rides are now must-haves. The state fair is the largest annual event in Kansas, and assistant fair manager Lori Mulch says it offers "a perfect blend of old-time favorites and new high-tech scream machines."

See more photographs from the June 2008 feature story "State Fairs."




摄影:Joel Sartore


有着发光旋转的炫目顶部的“搅拌机2号”令天黑后来参观堪萨斯州博览会的游客眼花缭乱。虽然州博会是作为农业和教育产品集散地而举行的,但如今嘉年华游乐场却已成为其不可或缺的一部分。州博会是堪萨斯州最大的年度盛事,博览会助理经理Lori Mulch称它是“传统畅销商品和新型高科技过山车的完美结合”。


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