5 月 24 2009
Slaughterman, Sydney, Australia
Slaughterman, Sydney, Australia
Photograph by Michael O’Brien
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From National Geographic Books
"Wouldn’t be doing anything else," says Rick Seymour, a slaughterman at the government-owned Homebush Abattoir Corporation in Sydney. He started at age 16, washing out the plant after school. Seymour is among the 57 percent of the nation’s work force that holds a union card.
From the upcoming National Geographic book The Image Collection, due fall 2009.
摄影:Michael O’Brien
“我没有其它工作可做。”悉尼国营Homebush屠宰公司的一名屠夫Rick Seymour说。他16岁起就在这里干活,放学后来这里清洗场地。Seymour是这个国家劳动力中加入了工会的57%之一。