8 月 08 2009
Translucent Nudibranch
Translucent Nudibranch
Photograph by Jennifer Hayes
This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals
Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack. This species is one of the few colorless nudibranchs.
See more photographs from the June 2008 feature story "Living Color."
摄影:Jennifer Hayes
以珊瑚(比如这种细长的柳珊瑚)为食、半透明、1.7英寸(4.3厘米)长的Phyllodesmium iriomotense在受到攻击时,会把它枝状的消化腺缩回到触手(比如裸鳃)中——就像那些断肢求生的动物。这种海兔是罕见的几种无色品种之一。
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