Archive for 2009-03-15

3 月 15 2009

Brown Bears in Mist, Russia

Published by under Photo of the Day

Brown Bears in Mist, Russia

Photograph by Michael Melford

This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features

In early morning mist that rolls in from the coast, two brown bears tussle like teenagers. "I was at this spot a year earlier and saw these bears doing the same thing," says John Paczkowski, a biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society. "They sparred for about 40 minutes, taking breaks to eat a few berries." Bears in the Kronotsky reserve often encounter each other at salmon streams and seem to socialize more here than in some other food-rich areas.

See more photographs from the January 2009 feature story "Russian Wilderness."




摄影:Michael Melford


清晨的海雾中,两只棕熊像孩子一样扭打着。“我一年前在这里的时候也看到这些熊这样,”国际野生生物保护学会的生物学家John Paczkowski说,“它们会用拳对打约40分钟,休息一下吃些浆果。”克罗诺基保护区里的熊经常在鲑鱼洄游时相遇,在这里它们看起来比在其它一些食物充足的地区有更多的交流。


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