5 月 06 2008
Boatyard at Sunset, Yscloskey, Louisiana, 2001
Boatyard at Sunset, Yscloskey, Louisiana, 2001
Photograph by Medford Taylor
A mauve sunset blankets a boatyard in Yscloskey, Louisiana, in 2001. This and nearly all the other fishing hamlets in the marshlands of St. Bernard Parish southeast of New Orleans were flattened in the summer of 2005 by Hurricane Katrina’s 20-foot (6-meter) storm surge. Years later, the region’s fisheries and oil and gas industries are still rebuilding.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, “ZIP USA: Delacroix, Louisiana,” July 2001, National Geographic magazine)
摄影:Medford Taylor
(照片来源于《飞越美国:Delacroix,路易斯安那 》(2001年7月,国家地理杂志)未发表部分)