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6 月 10 2009

Football Stadium at Sunset, Colorado

Published by at 23:55 under Photo of the Day


Football Stadium at Sunset, Colorado

Photograph by Alex Benison

This Month in Photo of the Day: Travel and Culture Photos

An amazing view of the sun setting behind the Flatirons of the Rocky Mountain front range in Boulder CO. I caught this spectacular fireshow on the roof of the stadium, using five different exposures in a tone mapping technique similar to the one Ansel Adams developed to capture scenes with high dynamic range.

This photo and caption were submitted to the 2008 International Photo Contest.




摄影:Alex Benison


这绝妙的一幕,是太阳从位于科罗拉罗州博尔德市的落基山脉弗朗特岭Flatirons山背后落下的场景。我在球场顶上捕捉到这壮观的“焰火表演”,使用了五档曝光色调映射的技术,类似于Ansel Adams发明的高动态范围(HDR)摄影技术。


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