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4 月 25 2009

Khumbu Icefall Traverse, Nepal

Published by at 23:55 under Photo of the Day


Khumbu Icefall Traverse, Nepal

Photograph by Bobby Model

This Week in Photo of the Day: Mount Everest

Sherpa Nima Dorje Tamang traverses a ladder on the Khumbu Icefall of Mount Everest in Nepal. "Universally terrifying, it is the most dangerous part of the southern route on Everest. The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall," said photographer Bobby Model.




摄影:Bobby Model


夏尔巴人Nima Dorje Tamang正在通过尼泊尔境内珠穆朗玛峰孔布冰川的一处裂缝。“通常认为,这是珠峰南坡路线最危险的地方。不断变化的孔布冰川,如同一串不断地从冰山峭壁上跌落的冰砖。”摄影师Bobby Model说。


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