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4 月 05 2009

Polar Bear and Cubs, Svalbard, Norway

Published by at 18:04 under Photo of the Day


Polar Bear and Cubs, Svalbard, Norway

Photograph by Paul Nicklen

This Month in Photo of the Day: Nature

In a far north without ice, a mother bear could be stranded a long way from good hunting, struggling to feed herself and her cubs. This snow-free scene near Kapp Fanshawe (Cape Fanshawe) offers a glimpse of what may be the Arctic’s rockier future.

See more photographs from the April 2009 feature story "Svalbard."




摄影:Paul Nicklen


在北方一处没有冰雪的地方,一只母熊可能已经很久没有找到足够的食物,它拼尽全力来喂抱自己和孩子们了。Kapp Fanshawe(Cape Fanshawe)附近这一无雪的场景,也许就是北极岩层裸露的未来的缩影。


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