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3 月 21 2009

Haw Creek Falls, Arkansas, at Night

Published by at 23:16 under Photo of the Day


Haw Creek Falls, Arkansas, at Night

Photograph by Peter Essick

This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features

Bathed in moonlight and swollen with floodwater, the rush of Haw Creek Falls in Arkansas announces the return of spring. To minimize maintenance, there are no bridges along the trail. "In some places you can hop from rock to rock," says Tim Ernst, one of the trail’s pioneers. "In others you have to get your feet wet and feel how cold the water really is."

See more photographs from the October 2008 feature story "Ozark Trail."




摄影:Peter Essick


沐浴在月光下,因汛期到来而加大的山楂溪瀑布群的急流宣示着春天的到来。为了最大限度的减少维护,沿途没有修建任何桥梁。“在某些地方,你可以在石头间跳跃,”这条线路的开拓者之一Tim Ernst说,“在其它地方,你只能涉水而行,去真切地体会这里的水有多冷。”


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