3 月 14 2009
Orangutan Orphan, Borneo
Orangutan Orphan, Borneo
Photograph by Mattias Klum
This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features
Clinging to the hand of a human protector, six-year-old Mugi is one of some 500 orphans cared for at the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rescue Center in Indonesian Borneo. The island’s orangutans are endangered: The population has fallen by more than 50 percent in the past 50 years.
See more photographs from the November 2008 feature story "Borneo."
摄影:Mattias Klum
紧紧牵着人类监护人手的6岁大的Mugi是印度尼西亚婆罗州Nyaru Menteng猩猩援救中心照料的约500只孤儿猩猩中的一员。这个岛上的猩猩在过去的50年中总数减少了一半以上,已经频临灭绝。
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